At Axiom Integrative, we partner with businesses who are invested in their business's identity, impact, and purpose. Rather than provide each client with an array of optional services from the start, our mission is to transform and reflect your business from the inside out, starting with a plan.

Marketing Plan Creation and Design

This is for you if:

  • You have a clear direction and focus for your business but aren't quite sure how to reach more people.
  • The quality of your current marketing efforts don't match up with the quality of your business.
  • You're seeking a level of marketing that separates you from others.
  • You're ready to invest in building a one-of-a-kind brand.

What's included:

  • Situation Analysis
  • Market Analysis
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Marketing Goals
  • Marketing Objectives
  • Brand Messaging
  • Product Positioning
  • Content Marketing Plan
  • Implementation & Feedback



The process

1 | Research & Discovery

The research and discovery is the starting point to make sure we are on the same page in regards to your business. We use the answers you provided in the questionnaire completed prior to the project beginning and use it to put together a situation analysis based on your current marketing efforts, and a market analysis for where your opportunities may lay. 

2 | Strategy & Planning

Once the research and discovery process is complete, we begin to design an actual marketing program around the specifics of your business, including your desired outcomes, the markets you serve, and the capabilities of your business. In addition, marketing goals and objectives are set so that you have a clear path of knowing how your marketing strategy is performing at any given time in the future.

3 | Implementation & Execution

From there we give you the exact steps needed to put your strategy into action from brand messaging, product positioning, pricing, and overall creation. This is where things really come together.

4 | Testing & Optimization

Once the plan is complete, we will demonstrate how to analyze the performance of your marketing program so that different variables can be tested and your marketing program can be continuously optimized to best meet the needs of your audience over time. 

How to book

If you like what you see and are interested in learning more, the easiest way to move forward is to schedule a meeting with us to see if we are a good fit to work together.